Bare Wilderness - Survival with 2 Knives, Survival in the Wild Canadian Bush
Brad and Sean left on their Survival Trip on October 05, 2007. The videos are online now! They survived for 13 days!
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Bare Wilderness is two average guys who are going to go into the bush for 30 days with nothing but a knife and the clothes on their backs. They are not bringing a lighter, tent, sleeping bag, pots or pans, only a knife. They are going in late September or early October in northern Manitoba where the weather can do anything at that time. They only have a few months to learn the skills they will need to survive.

Over the next few months they will be posting videos of what they have learned, so you can learn with them.

Their goal is to not only to survive for 30 days but also be able to live relatively comfortably. In order to accomplish this they will need to learn a lot of skills they do not have prior to there departure.

This survival feat is going to be a challenge for our Bare Wilderness Woodsmen Team.

Some Highlights

Go to the video footageAbout Brad Adrian and Sean Diamond
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Preview Movie

Brad and Sean have made a cool preview movie. You can download it here.
(right click and select 'save as')

View Sean and Brad's Preview to their Survival Feat
View the Bare Wilderness Preview

Or view the movie online here!

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