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On these pages we offer special services for our Premium Members. To become a Premium Member please click here.
Instructional Survival Videos- The use of a Survival Knife
In this video Brad Adrian explains the importance of a proper survival knife to wilderness survival. - Making and using a Rabbit Stick
In this video Brad Adrian describes how to make a Rabbit Stick and how to use it to hunt for small game as food for wilderness survival - Making Rope in the Wilderness
In this video Brad Adrian explains how to make rope for survival in the wilderness - without modern equipment only using material you can find in the bush - How to make and use an Atlatl
In this video Brad Adrian describes how to make and use an Atlatl, the prehistoric weapon well suited for survival in the Wilderness - How to build an A-Frame shelter
In this video Brad Adrian describes how to build an A-Frame shelter for survival in the Wilderness
Online Video Diary of the Bare Wilderness Survival Trip
As a service for the Premium Members that have made a donation for our survival trip we will be showing our online video diary here.